Unleash the dread power of Undead Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmler! This ancient necromancer, cloaked in tattered robes, exudes an aura of death and decay. His skeletal hands grip a staff pulsating with dark energy, ready to unleash devastating spells.

Heinrich’s eyes, glowing with unholy light, pierce through the souls of his enemies. His gaunt face is a testament to his mastery over life and death. On the battlefield, his command of necromancy summons legions of undead minions, overwhelming foes with sheer numbers and dark magic.

Every detail of this miniature, from the intricate symbols on his staff to his malevolent expression, captures the essence of this fearsome sorcerer. Add Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmler to your army and wield his terrifying power. Command the undead. Dominate with dark sorcery. Rule with the fearsome might of the Lichemaster!