Embrace the virulent might of Nurgle with the Poxbringer, a malignant bringer of plagues! This sorcerous daemon radiates with the foul blessings of the Plaguefather, wreathed in swirling miasmas of contagion. With each step, he spreads decay and disease, his presence heralding inevitable pestilence.

The Poxbringer wields the Plague Sword with venomous precision, its blade dripping with toxic sludge that corrodes and festers. His baleful gaze weakens mortal resolve, while his infectious spells bolster Nurgle’s minions with unholy resilience. He commands the battlefield with dark sorcery, turning allies into resilient vectors of contagion.

Crafted with intricate detail, this miniature captures the Poxbringer’s loathsome presence. From his pustulent flesh to his plague-infested scrolls and bubbling cauldron, every element embodies Nurgle’s twisted gifts. The sickly greens and oozing browns accentuate his repulsive yet compelling nature, making the Poxbringer a captivating addition to any Chaos Daemons army.

Perfect for collectors and gamers, the Poxbringer spreads Nurgle’s corruption far and wide. Command this malevolent sorcerer and watch as your enemies succumb to the relentless march of disease and decay. Embrace the filth and wield the potent power of the Poxbringer in your quest for unholy dominion!